There are seven major chakras or energy centers in the body. The word chakra is Sanskrit meaning circle, wheel, or disc. Every chakra has an association with certain organs or areas or the body. Our chakras can get blocked or disrupted and one way to heal and restore them is with aromatherapy. Using essential oils is a way to support the health of your chakras.
1. The Root or Base Chakra
Color: Red
Associated with pelvis, sex organs, legs and hips.
Essential Oils to support the root chakra: Black pepper, cedarwood, cinnamon, clove,
myrrh, patchouli, vetiver,
frankincense, rosewood,
ylang ylang, sandalwood,
tea tree, thyme, ginger, and
2. Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange
Associated with the small and large intestines, the womb, and reproductive organs; appetite and abundance.
Essential Oils to support the sacral chakra:
Cardamom, neroli,
orange, rose, and jasmine, cedarwood, coriander, fennel,
frankincense, patchouli, sage, sandalwood,
tea tree, and
ylang ylang.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
Color: Yellow
Associated with stomach, liver and other organs and glands in the area of the solar plexus.
Essential oils to support the solar plexus chakra: Juniper, black pepper, cardamom,
grapefruit, vetiver, chamomile,
frankincense, geranium,
lavender, lemongrass, rosemary, sandalwood, and spruce.
4. Heart Chakra
Color: Green
Associated with the heart, of course, and is located in the center of the chest; compassion, love and spirituality.
Essential oils for the heart chakra: Geranium,
rose, pine, bergamot,
ylang ylang, mandarin, jasmine,
lavender, holly, poppy,
eucalyptus, bergamot, and
5. Throat Chakra
Color: Blue
Associated with the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism; communication.
6. Third Eye Chakra
Color: Indigo
Associated with thought and analysis, imagination and intuition.
Essential oils for the third eye chakra:
Rosemary, juniper,
lemon, pine,
helichrysum, thyme, clary sage, rosemary,
peppermint, spruce,
frankincense, cedarwood, spruce, and
tea tree.
7. Crown Chakra
Color: Violet
Associated with the crown of the head, the pineal gland, hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
Aromatherapy is a great and natural healing method to bring balance, health, and support to the chakras.